Rea Garvey 21.1.22 in The Hall Zürich
Das THE HALL Konzert von Rea Garvey vom 21. Januar 2022 muss bedauerlicherweise ersatzlos abgesagt werden. Alle gekauften Tickets können dort retourniert werden, wo sie gekauft wurden.

Mehr Informationen zum Rückgabeprozess bei Ticketcorner hier.


Das Statement von Rea:

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to cancel our u pcoming "Hy Brasil" tour of Jan/Feb 2022. Having been postponed three times, we have decided, after much
consideration, that the best thing to do is to cancel and start anew.

My band, my crew, my team and myself have spent weeks preparing for a tour that will never take place, instead we are left with a great emptiness. We know that YOU, like us, have been counting the days to the tour so I can only imagine that we now share this feeling of disappointment together.

I am not a scientist, but I think the decision is the right one with the new strain of the virus (Omikron). It is uncertain what will happen in the coming months. We have all heard the warnings from scientists, the cries for help from the medical community, the urgent requests from virologists and experts on COVID to reduce contact as much as possible. With that we feel we have no other option but to cancel the Hy Brasil concerts in an effort to contribute to the ending of this pandemic.

We were blessed with over 20 concerts in the summer of 2021 and we hope that the summer of 2022 brings us back together again soon.

I know in my heart that this grey cloud that hangs over us will subside and when it does we will dance like there is no tomorrow and sing louder than we’ve ever sung before.

Until then stay safe and don’t lose hope the last mile is always the longest!

God Bless


Live Nation Switzerland AG

CHF 80.30
CHF 62.65
Wichtiger Hinweis

Verstärkte Sicherheitsmassnahmen führen zeitweise zu längeren Wartezeiten am Eingang. Bitte beachten Sie sowohl die Coronavirus Schutzmassnahmen und die Liste der verbotenen Gegenstände. Unzulässig sind beispielsweise Taschen, die grösser sind als A4. Mehr dazu bei den Gästeinfos >

Fragen und Antworten
THE HALL liegt unmittelbar beim Bahnhof Stettbach. Wir empfehlen Ihnen die Anreise mit Bahn, Bus oder Tram.
Weitere Informationen rund um Ihren Besuch bei uns, z.B. zu Anreise, Parking, barrierefreier Eingang, finden Sie hier:

Zu den Gästeinfos